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Strategies and measures to improve energy efficiency


A plastic injection factory in southern Taiwan found that according to electricity bill data, even if the equipment was turned off, the machine continued to consume electricity. This phenomenon of hidden power consumption is common in factories, resulting in alarming overall power consumption and unnecessary economic losses to the company. Since it is impossible to determine which machine caused the problem, equipment management becomes more complicated. How to effectively monitor and reduce these hidden power consumption has become a challenge that companies need to solve urgently, otherwise it will affect overall operational efficiency and cost control.


The abnormal power notification function of our platform is designed specifically for large machines. It can perform single meter monitoring and track the power usage of each machine in real time. This can not only effectively prevent unnecessary electricity expenses due to employee negligence, but also allow management personnel to grasp the operation status of the production line at any time and make timely adjustments.

In addition, through this function, managers can detect energy consumption problems caused by machine aging in advance, and perform maintenance or replacement in time to avoid additional costs due to decreased equipment efficiency. According to actual data, after using this function, the average electricity cost of enterprises has been saved by 10% - 30%. This not only significantly reduces operating costs, but also improves production efficiency, laying a good foundation for the sustainable development of enterprises.


Large machine power consumption monitoring

Installing smart meters enables accurate monitoring of the power consumption of each large machine. These smart meters can collect data in real time, analyze the power consumption of each machine, and send an immediate alarm if an abnormality is found.


Cloud Dashboard

The installation of the cloud wireless PLC gateway has effectively reduced costs and time, significantly enhancing operational efficiency. To mitigate unnecessary electricity expenditures due to employee oversight, our platform features an abnormal power notification system for real-time reporting. This system continuously monitors power usage and automatically alerts management of any anomalies, ensuring they can promptly address issues even when off-site.

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